Samantha's Story
My husband and I married March 11, 2006. We decided we wouldn't prevent having a baby. After 2 years, I went to my OBGYN and was diagnosed with PCOS. He put me on Clomid to help me ovulate. After a year or 2 of that and still not getting pregnant, we tried 2 IUI's before being referred to a reproductive endocrinologist in Carmel. There they tested my husband's sperm and discovered he had a low sperm count. He was sent to a reproductive urologist where he was put on medication to increase his sperm count. This takes a minimum of 3 months to see a difference. After his numbers improved, we did our first IVF November 2011. 14 eggs were retrieved. 8 fertilized. 4 lived to day 3. 2 lived to day 5 and both were transferred. One attached and I was finally pregnant. 2-3 days before Christmas we had an ultrasound. Our baby had stopped growing and I would likely miscarry. I ended up experiencing a missed miscarriage and I miscarried around 10 weeks on January 10th 2012. We decided to wait until May to try again. my husband had stopped the medication he was on since I was pregnant. Our first appointment in May with a new reproductive endocrinologist. We switched to doing a shared risk program where we get more tries at IVF (3 fresh 3 frozen cycles) for a set fee. On the way home, we received a phone call that my husband had zero sperm. I was afraid I had miscarried our only chance at having a baby. My husband went back to the urologist and was put back on medication. We were warned that when you hit zero, sometimes sperm count never comes back. After 6 months, his count improved enough that we could try again. Exactly 1 year later on January 10th, 2013 I had my egg retrieval. 11 eggs were retrieved. Only 2 eggs survived to transfer day. The doctor said they were both above average quality and that we could transfer one and freeze one. He barely had that out when I said we'd be happy with twins. Both babies implanted, but we were again warned that it's not uncommon for a twin to not make it through the first trimester. Due to blood pressure, I was induced at 36 weeks 6 days. Our rainbow twins were born September 11, 2013. Exactly 7.5 years after we married.